Products to grout

Products to grout

Products to grout from Italy: In recent years, a scientific research project without precedent has allowed the company to complete its development towards the highest levels of innovation, laying the foundations for its future in terms of eco-sustainability and safety, thanks to the family of compounds called Zherorisk®. The project is based on a futuristic study of primary materials and chemical formulations of different categories of compounds, organised in a technological platform of products with shared features of eco-friendliness and safety. Not a study of individual products, therefore, but rather of the molecules and chemical structure of the base compositions, whereby different combinations allow the obtainment of grouts for joints, adhesives, waterproofing membranes, decorative resins with the lowest VOC emission rates ever recorded, which are non-corrosive, non-toxic, and non-hazardous to the environment, and not subject to restrictions for road, rail, air, and sea freight. The certainty of being able to produce materials with excellent performance in terms of their environmental compatibility has allowed the company to rigorously and knowingly work towards the obtainment of ISO 14001 environmental certification, to then immediately be issued EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) – green certifications par excellence – for all of its product lines.
EPOXYÉLITE EVO FR Two-component acid-resistant epoxy grout


Two-component acid-resistant epoxy grout for the installation and grouting of ceramic, porcelain and mosaic tiles with joints from 1 and 15mm wide. Low flame-spread product compliant with Directive 2014/90/EU (CEMED) according to the IMO 2010 FTP code for use on ships. For interiors and exteriors.

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EPOXYÉLITE EVO FR Two-component acid-resistant epoxy grout


Two-component acid-resistant epoxy grout for the installation and grouting of ceramic, porcelain and mosaic tiles with joints from 1 and 15mm wide. Low flame-spread product compliant with Directive 2014/90/EU (CEMED) according to the IMO 2010 FTP code for use on ships. For interiors and exteriors.

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